Upgrade your HVAC equipment to help you save money on your monthly energy bills. Call us today for more information. Continue Reading
Nobody wants a problem with their furnace—but even the most efficient systems have to be replaced at some point. Continue Reading
Air quality in your home is important to your family’s health. Having the right humidity levels, changing your filters regularly and installing air-cleaning or filtration systems like UV lights and air scrubbers. Continue Reading
Get ready for cooler weather here in Sussex—fall is here! Continue Reading
Is your home always uncomfortable either upstairs and down? You should consider zoning your home! Continue Reading
What’s at the top of your fall to-do list? Make sure it is your furnace. Continue Reading
Keep your windows closed day and night. This will keep your home cool and prevent your AC from using more energy. Continue Reading
When you’re looking at how your air conditioner works, it can depend on a wide variety of factors. Most people realize that the brand you select, the size, the features, and the efficiency rating all play a role in how well an air conditioner will cool your Mequon home. Continue Reading
Sometimes, life moves incredibly fast. You could have sworn you just bought your air conditioner. But lately, it doesn’t seem to be working so well. You check the box and are shocked to find out you’ve had it for a decade. Where did the time go? Continue Reading
Need HVAC Service?
Contact the experts at Interstate Heating Co.
Call us at 262-246-4772!