
Schedule Your Annual Furnace Inspection Now - Handsome African American construction foreman or building contractor stands in front of home that is being built for charity. Volunteers are working on the home in the background. He hsi wearing a hard hat, safety glasses and volunteer t-shirt.

Schedule Your Annual Furnace Inspection Now

September 6, 2023
What’s at the top of your fall to-do list? Make sure it is your furnace.  Continue Reading
Video - Energy Saving Tip 5. Window looking out to front porch and American flag.

Video – Energy Saving Tip 5

August 30, 2023
Keep your windows closed day and night. This will keep your home cool and prevent your AC from using more energy. Continue Reading
How Environmental Issues Can Affect Your AC. Dad cleaning windows and sweeping floor.

How Environmental Issues Can Affect Your AC

August 2, 2023
When you’re looking at how your air conditioner works, it can depend on a wide variety of factors. Most people realize that the brand you select, the size, the features, and the efficiency rating all play a role in how well an air conditioner will cool your Mequon home.  Continue Reading
Video - Stay Cool During the Summer. White dog sticking head out car window.

Video – Stay Cool During the Summer

July 19, 2023
Schedule a clean-check today. Continue Reading
When Do I Replace My Air Conditioner? Woman on the phone attempting to cool herself with a fan.

When Do I Replace My Air Conditioner?

July 5, 2023
Sometimes, life moves incredibly fast. You could have sworn you just bought your air conditioner. But lately, it doesn’t seem to be working so well. You check the box and are shocked to find out you’ve had it for a decade. Where did the time go? Continue Reading
Close-up image of an air conditioner fan.

Video – The Importance of Air Conditioner Maintenance

June 21, 2023
The best time of year to have your AC serviced is spring, even if you reside in a locale with pretty warm weather all year long. Continue Reading
Home inspector, repairman, adjuster examines air conditioner units at a customer home. He is using his digital tablet to record results.

Why Is My AC Making Noise?

June 7, 2023
It’s normal for your air conditioner to create some noise when running—that simply means it’s working. Although older units are typically louder than newer ones, all air conditioning noises are not the same. Continue Reading
Video - Replace Your Air Filter.

Video – Replace Your Air Filter

May 17, 2023
Change your HVAC filters regularly, as recommended, which is usually at least every three months. A good HEPA filter will catch the particles before they reach your lungs. Continue Reading
The love between a mother and daughter is forever: a smiling woman embracing her mother while they are looking away.

What Are Zone Control Systems?

May 3, 2023
If you have a large home with multiple stories or a large household with family members who prefer different temperatures, consider installing a zone control system. Continue Reading
Video - Energy Saving Tip 6. Image is a photograph taken from the inside of a home looking out a window over the lawn and street.

Video – Energy Saving Tip 6

April 19, 2023
Cool your home by opening the windows at night and save on your energy bill. The outdoor breeze will keep your home feeling cool. Continue Reading

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