Heat Pump Articles

What Is a Heat Pump?

January 17, 2025
young woman hugging her cat in front of the window.
Heat pumps are very efficient, using up to 50 percent less energy than furnaces or baseboard heaters, according to the US DOE. Continue Reading

4 Factors to Consider When Buying a Heat Pump

December 31, 2024
4 Factors to Consider When Buying a Heat Pump. Professional Middle Aged HVAC Technician in Red Uniform Repairing Modern Heat Pump Unit. House Heating and Cooling System Theme.
So you are looking to invest in a heat pump. You are not alone––many Americans are making the switch. Continue Reading

Transitioning Your Heat Pump

October 15, 2024
Transitioning Your Heat Pump. Close-up of black full inverter heat pump outside in the garden, near wooden pool house on a sunny day. Lens flare on the image.
One reason Wisconsin homeowners love heat pumps is they function as an all-in-one unit. Instead of purchasing and maintaining a separate furnace and air conditioning system, you can simply transition your heat pump from the heat setting to the cooling setting and vice versa as seasons warrant. Continue Reading

Why is My Heat Pump Turning On and Off Frequently?

January 15, 2024
Two Workers Join Residential Geothermal Heating/Cooling Pipe.
Homeowners generally favor heat pumps for their efficiency. However, a number of common issues can cause them to run very inefficiently. Continue Reading

Heat Pump Versus Furnace

December 23, 2022
Image of someone pressing control panel attached to hvac system. Heat Pump Versus Furnace.
Looking to install a new heater in your Sussex home? Your two most popular choices are a heat pump and a furnace. Each one has advantages and disadvantages when compared to the other. Continue Reading